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General education .... Word lists


Sometimes when teaching spelling and reading I have found it useful to have lists of words that contain the same groups of letters e.g. oo, th, ea, ie etc.

Where appropriate I have also split the list into sets where the letter combinations appear at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

This may also be useful for speech therapists when working on certain sounds.

The list is only a beginning please sugest additions to the list by e-mail.

Word Lists

Navigation - | th | oo | ai | oa | ee | qu | ie |


featherbath bathe birth bother breathe brother cloth death earth earthquake earthworm faith father feather girth heather leather moth mother teeth tether than thank that thatch thaw the them then there they thick thief thigh thin thing think third thirst thirsty thirteen thirty this thong thought thrash three through thrush thud thumb thump Thursday tooth truth weather with within worth wroth

th beginning

than thank that thatch thaw the them then there they thick thief thigh thin thing think third thirst thirsty thirteen thirty this thong thought thrash three through thrush thud thumb thump Thursday

th middle

bathe bother breathe brother earthquake earthworm father feather heather leather mother tether weather within

th end

bath birth cloth death earth faith girth moth teeth tooth truth with worth wroth


kangaroobaboon balloon bamboo barefoot book boot brooch brook broom choose cook cool crook door flatfooted flood floor food football footprint good good-looking goofy goose gooseberry harpoon hood hook hoop hoot Hoover igloo kangaroo lampoon look loop loose moo mood moon moonlight noose ooze pool poor root school scoop shampoo shook shoot snooze soon soot spoon stooge stool stoop swoon taboo tattoo too took tool toot tooth wood woof wool zoo zoom

oo beginning


oo middle

baboon balloon barefoot book boot brooch brook broom choose cook cool crook door flatfooted flood floor food football footprint good good-looking goofy goose gooseberry harpoon hood hook hoop hoot Hoover lampoon look loop loose mood moon moonlight noose pool poor root school scoop shook shoot snooze soon soot spoon stooge stool stoop swoon took tool toot tooth wood woof wool zoom

oo end

bamboo igloo kangaroo moo shampoo taboo tattoo too zoo


air appraise attain bait chain chair daily daisy faint fair faith flail flair fountain frail Gail gaily gain gait hail hair jail laid maiden mail main maim mountain main maintain maize mountain nail paid pain painful paint pair plain rail rain sail sailor snail stain stair tail tailor train vain wail



goatapproach boar board boast boat cloak coach coal coarse coast coat cockroach croak float foal foam goad goal goat groan load moan moat oak oar oat poach road roam soak soap toad toast

oa beginning

oak oar oat

oa middle

approach boar board boast boat cloak coach coal coarse coast coat cockroach croak float foal foam goad goal goat groan load moan moat poach road roam soak soap toad toast


treebee beef beer between bleed bleep cheeks cheer deep deer eel feed feel feet fleece free freedom freesia freeze heel jeep jeer keep knee kneel meek meet peek peel peep reef screen see seed seen sheep sheet sneeze speech steel steep steeper steeple steer street sweep teeth three tree weed week weep

ee beginning


ee middle

beef beer between bleed bleep cheeks cheer deep deer feed feel feet fleece freedom freesia freeze heel jeep jeer keep kneel meek meet peek peel peep reef screen seed seen sheep sheet sneeze speech steel steep steeper steeple steer street sweep teeth three weed week weep

ee end

bee free knee see tree


squirrelaquamarine aquarium aquatic cheque earthquake equal equation equator equine equinox equip equipment equivalent frequency frequent quack quagmire quail quaint quake qualify quantity quarantine quarrel quarry quarter quartz quash quay queen query quest question queue quick quid quiet quill quilt quit quite quiver quiz quote relinquish sequin squabble squadron squalid squall squander square squash squat squeak squeal squeeze squelch squid squiggle squint squire squirm squirrel squirt torque ubiquity

qu beginning

quack quagmire quail quaint quake qualify quantity quarantine quarrel quarry quarter quartz quash quay queen query quest question queue quick quid quiet quill quilt quit quite quiver quiz quote

qu middle

aquamarine aquarium aquatic cheque earthquake equal equation equator equine equinox equip equipment equivalent frequency frequent relinquish sequin squabble squadron squalid squall squander square squash squat squeak squeal squeeze squelch squid squiggle squint squire squirm squirrel squirt torque ubiquity


allied Barbie believe copier die dignified dried drier easiest efficient field fiend fierce fiery flies fried friend frieze horrified lie magnified magpie masterpiec occupier parties petrified pie piece pierce quiet terrified thief tie tied tried

ie middle

allied Barbie believe copier dignified dried drier easiest efficient field fiend fierce fiery flies fried friend frieze horrified magnified magpie masterpiece occupier parties petrified piece pierce quiet terrified thief tied tried

ie end

die lie pie tie

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