to Speech Teach - We provide Free Speech and Language Therapy Resources for Parents and Teachers
Our site has been developed to provide speech
therapy resources for parents and professionals supporting
children with speech and learning difficulties for example dyspraxia,
apraxia and autism. Other areas of articulation, literacy and
late speaking are also covered together with links
and reviews for other websites specialising in these areas.
We hope you will find many useful teaching ideas in our resources
section which includes clipart, including our NEW Animal parents and babies Clipart section,
worksheets, flashcards, speech therapy games, general
educational resources and other teaching aids. Much of this
can be downloaded free for your own use from our downloads
Parents will find a useful information
pages within our speech and language therapy resources section. Here we give ideas for
setting up your own support
group, information on reading
with your child and links to useful articles on other web
We also exist to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and opinions. Our new Forums have replaced the old Speech Teach Notice Board. We hope you
enjoy our site and find its contents useful. Please mail us with
any ideas or suggestions you may have and we will try to include
them. Thanks V.
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